Saturday, November 13, 2010

One of my favorite children's book

 No. David! By David Shannon
Theresa Mark MSECS, 2010

No and David is creative and captivating. Children can identify with the story because it brings out the spirit of the child. Children see themselves in the story and the childhood experiences of mommy saying no. I see myself in the story saying no to my own children and to those in the classroom.
In our own everyday experiences as adults we too should learn that there are consequences for own actions. However, there is a strong message at the end of the book. Regardless of how our children behave, it is our responsibility to love them unconditionally.


  1. No,David is a wonderful book to help our children understand that life experiences comes with consquences. Also, this book, helped our children to know that their parents love them when they are misbehaving or being good. Children of all ages loves to read this book, and will remember this story about David until the end of time. Keep up the good work.

  2. The title of your book conveys the need for teaching strong moral values. Our children must possess a sense of right and wrong even from a very tender age. Children need to learn what is considered acceptable and unacceptable behavior in order to function effectively at school, at home and in the wider society. The teacher’s job is to affect and effect changes that are transformational in nature.
