Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sharing web resources

National Black Child Development Institute
I have chosen the National Black Child institute since I have exhausted the many resources from Center for childcare workforce.
The National Black Child Institute has its focus on improving the lives of all children and families through advocacy and education. It is critical that we continue to dedicate ourselves to giving every child a chance. We believe that such a vision should recognize the pivotal role that all members of our community must play if equity and access are to become a reality for our children. This includes parents, the faith community, social and civic clubs, barber shops, and schools – all of us must become part of the mobilization on behalf of our all children. 

 EQUITY AND DIVERSITY WORK The Build Initiative in collaboration with the National Black child  Institute is working to ensure that issues of equity and diversity are addressed within all early childhood systems development work. BUILD’s Equity and Diversity Working Group oversees BUILD’s efforts and includes state and national leaders on early childhood. This includes development of policy briefs describing best practices and policies, state learning experiences, and key challenges and opportunities for the field in meeting the needs of all children in our multi-ethnic society.

BUILD also seeks to partner with other leaders, researchers, and organizations in strengthening understanding in the field on the need to address issues of equity and diversity throughout systems building.

There are other initiatives on equity and diversity which include;
  • Reaching for quality: Addressing issues of ethnicity, language, and culture need to be part of all aspects of early learning systems building. They draw on states’ experiences—particularly states that have taken a lead in tackling important early learning system building issues—and describe critical issues, opportunities, and lessons learned in developing an early learning system for America’s multi-ethnic population.
  • Build's Early Childhood system in a multi- ethnic society: The series will describe pioneering efforts within states to address racial/ethnic disparities and promote equity, assess the current state of the field and the research and information available that should undergird state strategies.
  • Crafting Early Learning Standards for a multi-ethnic society: This Build report is the first in a series of briefs on diversity, equity and systems building.  Early learning standards are at the core of society's defining how and what children need to learn, what is expected of them at different developmental stages, and what caregivers and educators are expected to do to help them learn.  Child learning involves cultural learning; it is essential that early learning standards be developed responsively--with diverse cultural and language groups in mind.
There are other valuable resources to help in the line of equity in early childhood care and education.

Build strong foundations for our children. Retrieved from

National Black Child development Institute: Retrieved from


  1. Theresa,
    You have given me a home work project, I am going to check out these resources to educate my self on Crafting Early Learning Standards for a multi-ethnic society. It sounds very interesting. Thank you for sharing these resources. I believe it is never too much information on diversity in education all togather.

  2. Hi Theresa,

    Reading your blog has provided me with information from the National Black Child Institute ( I can use to help me understand working with children and diversity in education. In addition, the information on Crafting Early Learning Standards for multicultural society were very helpful for me to learn, too.

  3. Theresa,

    I think it is great that you were able to find another website to explore and use for this blog. I especially enjoyed your use of the statement "It is critical that we continue to dedicate ourselves to giving every child a chance"

    Thank you for sharing this new web resource.

  4. Theresa,

    Thank you for the great resource. BUILD sounds like a excellent website with great information. I can't wait to explore it. I definetly agree with Cassie and the article when it said,".....dedicate ourselves to giving every child a chance." There is so much potential that every child has to give so we have to invest in EVERY child.
