Saturday, August 20, 2011

Final Blog/ Saturday, August 20, 2011


Post at least three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development (any format, any length)

In completion of the course the three consequences professionally and personally include; greater awareness of issues and trends in the early childhood field.  I am now more aware of the effectiveness and benefits from establishing international contacts, the global issues and trends in Early Childhood, and the importance of being culturally aware.
Another consequence is maintaining those international contacts in future efforts for advocacy to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of young children.
Finally, collaborating to develop and implement effective policies that reach out to all the children and families ensuring that children are physically healthy, and developmentally ready for learning. The important issues are ensuring equity and excellence, supporting parents and families and developing standards and indicators for effective planning, monitoring and documentation of the progress in Early Childhood Development.    

Post one goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations

My goal is to promote early childhood networking and partnerships among international contacts. It is my hope to stay abreast of the issues and trends and work towards that change in early childhood which is constant.
 Thank You!!!
 I now say thank you to all my international friends and colleagues working in the field of early childhood education and care who enriched the course, took part in the interviews and answered the questions.  We hope to continue our connections for the well being of the children and families we work with.


  1. Hello Theresa,

    You provided a lot of interesting information in your blog. I know I learned a lot about the current issues and trends in the early childhood field that I did not know exist. Especailly the issue about Poverty and how its effects the early childhood field: children and families around the world and my local community. Poverty were an issue that was there in my community, but it never were addressed. I want to thank this class for opening my eyes to such an important issue that effects a lot of children and families. With that said, I want to thank you personally for helping me and responding to my e-mails. I will be forever grateful, and I am looking forward to working again in another class with you. Take care!

  2. Theresa,
    I believe this course opened our eyes for the national and international issues and trends.Things that we knew exists but not much discussion was happened before. Now we are verymuch aware of them and have the ability to discuss them with confidence.
    Theresa, thank you for sharing your experiences, thoughts and wisdom. Your international contact thought me the similariteis of the hardships educators are faced with regarding finding funding for early childhood education. It told me that it is a global issue just as many other.
    Wish you all the best in the future caursers.

  3. Theresa,

    Thank you for your insightful blog post each and every week. I have enjoyed reading the information you have found, and I have learned a great deal about issues and trends during this course.

    I wish also to promote these issues and trends by establishing an international contact.

  4. Theresa,
    You have provided graphic hard core realities which your international contact employed in an effort to improve the life chances of children. In addition you have provided detailed insights from your web-based sources. I expressly thank you for your personal and professional perspectives on the issues. Thanks for sharing. You have forced us to reflect on our own experiences in order to improve practice. I wish you all the best in your future classes.
