Saturday, November 13, 2010

4 year old drawing

Image of a child’s drawing

The page was a blank one to start with. But through the experiences of this child four year old with crayons she was able to draw what makes sense to her. That was very creative! This drawing shows gender diversity. Look at the different colors, shapes and the hair! It shows how different we are.
In general, children use crayons, pencils, and markers to create their own symbols and images to stand for that mental image they have seen and done. This is a testimony of how children understand their world. 



  1. Issues of diversity are all around us. Children observe diversity on television shows, in their favorite story books, at their schools to name a few. We cannot ignore such issues. We must always attempt to capture the teaching moments when they arise. Many lessons are embedded in that picture that can shape character.

  2. Working with children in Pre-K have shown me that children see people in different ways.During our journaltime, our students are asked to draw a picture of their choice. All of the pictures are different because some of their parents are just circles with two eyes and no arms. These drawings helped me to understand the way children see people in this world.
