Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reflecting on Learning


 My most passionate hope for the future as an early childhood professional and for the children and families with whom I work  

All children and families regardless of their SOCIAL IDENTITIES would be able to experience Equality, and Social Justice in all aspects of their lives and that all children  would be given the opportunity to be all he /she can be (Sparks,  & Edwards, 2010).

 A brief note of thanks to my colleagues

To all my colleagues, I say a BIG THANK YOU for your shared knowledge, inspiration and your acceptance of each of us for who we are.  We have come to the end of another eight week course but the journey continues in our effort for equality and social justice for all children and families. 

I wish all of us the best as we move forward in our personal and professional lives. 


 Sparks, L.D., & Edwards, J. O., (2010). Anti-Bias education for young children and ourselves. NAEYC Washington, DC 20005-4101



  1. Theresa,
    End of another leg of our journey. Thank you for sharing your enthusiasm, wisdom, and knowledge. Hope to meet you again in the next step of this journey. Wish you all the success in your efforts to create a world of social justice and acceptance for all. Take care!!

  2. Theresa,

    Wow, I want to thank you for another wonderful eight weeks of learning! I am looking forward to moving on to the final class of our journey together.

    Forever Grateful
