Post at least three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for your professional and personal development (any format, any length)
In completion of the course the three consequences professionally and personally include; greater awareness of issues and trends in the early childhood field. I am now more aware of the effectiveness and benefits from establishing international contacts, the global issues and trends in Early Childhood, and the importance of being culturally aware.
Another consequence is maintaining those international contacts in future efforts for advocacy to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of young children.
Finally, collaborating to develop and implement effective policies that reach out to all the children and families ensuring that children are physically healthy, and developmentally ready for learning. The important issues are ensuring equity and excellence, supporting parents and families and developing standards and indicators for effective planning, monitoring and documentation of the progress in Early Childhood Development.
Post one goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations
My goal is to promote early childhood networking and partnerships among international contacts. It is my hope to stay abreast of the issues and trends and work towards that change in early childhood which is constant.
Thank You!!!
I now say thank you to all my international friends and colleagues working in the field of early childhood education and care who enriched the course, took part in the interviews and answered the questions. We hope to continue our connections for the well being of the children and families we work with.