Saturday, March 26, 2011

Connections to play

Quotes about play

"Play helps children weave together all the elements of life as they experience it” (Almon, 2002).

 "The creation of something new is not accompanied by intellect, but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the object it loves." (Carl Jung, Psychologist)

"Play allows children to use their creativity while developing their imagination, dexterity, and physical, cognitive, and emotional strength” (Ginsberg, 2007). 

Cricket on the beach
Jump rope

Hop scotch


During my early childhood years it was fun when all my cousins and the neighbors’ children came over to play. Once the children were out in the yard my parents would make us know they were there suggesting games we could play. Sometimes my mom would sit on the steps and looked on as we ran, jumped, laughed and sometimes quarrel too.
Cricket was our favorite game. We played most times after school once our homework was completed. At times our parents would coach us immediately if we were not holding the bat the right way or bowling the ball to get someone out.  The most exciting part is trying to win the opponent’s score and I tell you ….. You never want to lose because it would become an echo the next day.  What ever happened at those times was just for fun and it was well worth it.
Hop scotch was played mostly at school during our lunch break. This was the longest time we had outside and you had to know your numbers because if you forget, then your time to play will be taken by someone else.  That was never kool for me! (LOL)
Jump rope was out of the ordinary. We never had to buy rope from the store. We had to run through the bushes to get rope. Sometimes we had to pull the thick, hard vine from big trees and this was soooo much fun. The most excitement from jump rope for us was trying to get the girls' dresses over their heads while skipping the rope. Isn’t that fun! Wanting to see the girl’s underwear? (LoL).
Play today cannot be compared with my childhood plays. The advancement of technology and the fear of playing outside are barriers within our children’s environment.  I think it is necessary at times to allow children to go outside and have a good time.  Research shows that play is beneficial for children’s learning and development. Thus, Schools have a responsibility to promote play in and out of the classroom so as to prevent the rise of obesity and other illnesses that are harming the children of today. Children need play experiences that will last for years and years.
Play has been fun, and excitement in my childhood years. Growing up in my native island, children were seen playing all around the neighborhood regardless of the time of day. Schools are mandated to include physical education as part of the syllabus and child play outside everyday as part of their daily routine. I feel guilty for what I have done to my children immigrating with them and robbing them of the opportunities of outside play which is so lacking in the USA.  It is imperative that my children return to the islands to enjoy what they so missed – the fun with outside play!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Relationship Reflection
All of us at sometime crave for and certainly need some social contact in our lives.  Therefore we form relationships. Relationship is important, whatever the age, whatever the nationality, whatever the sex, whatever the culture; without relationships life would seem meaningless.  Relationships bring joy, a sense of fulfillment, and can be very rewarding. There are many individuals I have positive relationships with: Excluding my children, I have special relationships with my sister, my co-workers, and parents of the children I work with

 My sister
My sister is my ‘right hand’ and we share something real. We share an emotional sense of bonding from since we were small.  Our relationship is marked by honesty, trust, giving of self, respect, open communication, and willingness to help out in any way necessary.
My co-workers
My co-workers and I share a different kind of bond.  We feel related in a sense that nothing is too private for us to share. We share experiences, meaningful connection, and we embrace our differences and see the best in each of us. We are like a family. Our relationship is based on being trustworthy, respectful, understanding, supportive, and I can call on them anytime I need a helping hand. Ms. V and Ms. M. I love you dearly, and thanks for your relationships.
Parents of the children I work with
In my everyday work environment I form relationships with the families I work with.  The goal of this relationship is to work together for the overall well being of their child. This relationship is marked by a two-way communication, a feeling of trust, sharing of goals and expectations, providing information and resources, and having opportunities to make joint decisions about the care children will receive.

Insights regarding challenges to developing and maintaining relationships:
Relationships vary between different people and different groups. Therefore it is important that to build your relationships on strong ground. Personal biases are challenges which show up often. Therefore it is important that we accept and respect each other for who or what they are regardless of race, ethnicity, or diverse backgrounds. Another challenge is finding the time to foster those relationships. Sometimes it is very difficult to find the time to share experiences and this is very unfortunate.  My personal experience gives insights into how the qualities of relationships deeply influence our everyday living. Meaningful relationship is vital and it allows us to feel connected, to feel related in a heartfelt way.
Special characteristics of these relationships that make partnerships
Two special characteristics are trust, and acceptance. Long-term relationships are based on trust. When we trust others, we are more relaxed, comfortable and willing to be ourselves without any pretenses or trying to maintain a facade of someone we’re not. Once we experience trust with others, we can be honest about our weaknesses and shortcomings because we’re confident that we will be accepted for who we are, without judgment or criticism. 

Experiences/ Impact on work as an early childhood professional

Part of my job requirements is to form partnerships with families. Those relationships can be complex because it includes many different areas; relationships with children, with families and with colleagues, and community. By involving all the above components I create a rich environment for our children and serve as a model for the children to create positive relationships with others.